FAQs: Chiropractic Care After a Car Accident

Chiropractic care can treat a number of health conditions and injuries. When the body suffers a traumatic event such as a car accident, victims may experience not only pain but also cause the body to be out of alignment. This can cause a host of issues. Your lawyer may have recommended that you seek care from a chiropractor as a way of acquiring treatment for your injuries following a car accident. You may be surprised to hear your lawyer recommend this form of treatment, the following are common questions chiropractors are often asked by patients who have never undergone chiropractic treatments before:

How soon after a car accident should I seek care from a chiropractor?

Medical care is one of the most important things that you should do after you have been in a car accident. This is important for a number of reasons. First, you will want to make sure that any serious underlying conditions are treated immediately. While a chiropractor can certainly provide treatment that can help, it’s important that you are first seen in the emergency room. However, once your condition has been stabilized, it may be recommended that you seek care from a chiropractor, soon after the accident. 

How long will my first appointment take?

You can expect your first appointment with a chiropractor to take longer than subsequent treatments. Initial treatments can last up to an hour. Your chiropractor will want to know details pertaining to your accident in addition to your medical history. You can expect your chiropractor to explain to you their approach to care and how they plan to treat your injuries. You will be examined by a chiropractor who perform a number of tests to assess your symptoms. 

Will a chiropractor order x rays prior to administering treatment?

A chiropractor does not always require x rays prior to treatment. However, when seeking treatment from a chiropractor following an accident an x-ray may be required, especially in cases where bones have been broken are serious trauma has occurred.

How should I prepare for my first appointment?

In order to make the most of your first appointment with a chiropractor, it may be a good idea to take some time to prepare by:

  • Compiling a list of questions you have 
  • Developing a list of all medical concerns
  • Coming prepared with your health insurance information
  • Bringing all medical documentation pertaining to your accident

Will documentation from a chiropractor help my lawyer with my case?

Yes- a chiropractor will produce documentation that can help link your injuries to the accident you have been in. This is a key form of evidence that has the ability to strengthen your accident claim and provide you with the best opportunity at obtaining a favorable outcome. 

If you are under the counsel of a car accident lawyer, and they have recommended that you seek care from a chiropractor, it’s important that you take this recommendation seriously. They are professionals who know how best to ensure you receive the treatment you need and build a strong case against the party responsible for the damages you have suffered.