Are you an avid fitness enthusiast? If so, it is important to understand the importance of protecting and maintaining your aspirations daily. Whether you are a cyclist, football player or tennis extraordinaire, all these activities could raise the possibility of a spinal injury. So, before your next tournament, it would be wise to make a proper schedule of warm-ups and stress-free exercises to allow any tension to exit your body.
Stretch and Release
Any chiropractor in Mesa, AZ or physician would advise you to stretch and set your body properly before any exertion. However, many individuals completely skip the proper rules of doing so. When you stretch your arms to your toes or engage in extensive yoga poses, the proper method should be to pause at each interval, not to bounce from one position to another to get it over with.
The correct procedure involves stretching slowly and gently until certain pressure can be felt. Remember the slogan ‘no pain no gain’? This doesn’t apply to every situation. Proper stretching can fix any loose tension existing on your spine and prevent extreme pain from heavy activities. Hence, it is important to take time to stretch before and after any sport or exercise.
Gear Up!
Neck rolls and shoulder pads are good pieces of equipment that athletes should invest in. These will help in maintaining a good posture throughout your exercise. Neck rolls, in particular, are a very good instrument to help alleviate any pain or discomfort in your spinal area.
An Abundance of Hydration
Athletes crave an adrenaline rush. However, how much of it is too much if you aren’t staying hydrated? Swimming exercises might be relaxing from time to time, but drinking a good amount of water daily will help to sustain your body during humid temperatures. Extreme heat has been a cause for many athletes’ breakdown. So, try to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day to prevent that.
Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle
In the 21st century, a vast majority of individuals overlook the importance of adopting a healthy lifestyle. This aspect in our society needs more development because the level of obesity and accidents can be prevented greatly if your lifestyle were based on a fat-free diet filled with a good amount of vegetables and fruits. Martial artists and professional fighters all follow a very strict regime when shedding fat and allowing their bodies to reach the maximum potential. They do this by testing themselves constantly, but also maintaining a healthy food habit.
Repetitive motion disorders and problematic injuries such as epicondylitis, bursitis, and tendonitis occur when your movements become repetitive. It is best to consult with your chiropractor or physician when such practice troubles your body. You should take ample resting periods, and play multiple sports to avoid muscle spasms.
In conclusion, Spinal injury is not a matter to take lightly. In fact, young adults often overlook this because of the time factor. Skipping exercise and making it a chore is not a wise choice, because adopting it naturally as a fixed routine could be more beneficial than you think. These methods will guarantee your safety and vitality!
Thanks to Lifecare Chiropractic for their insight into chiropractic care and avoiding spine injuries as an athlete.